~Little Voices~

Saturday, January 1, 2011

2011...1 year left to 2012?

ok, let's not talk about Armageddon yet...
let's talk about something that is boring, not new, always repetitive and less interesting...
yup, let's talk about new year wishes and goals!

first of all, of course i wish for my family's and loved ones' health and bliss.
I always wish that my enemies are no longer enemies...
and i certainly wish for my first male companionship! ( well, i don't put high hopes on it already)

and not forget to become more mature, capable and more sociable.
I hope that Green Lung can rise again to become a force not to be reckoned with.
I hope that my friendships will last forever ( until i pass away)

I will learn new skills, practice driving, go into cooking.
I will also be great in my pharmacy course and applications.
Dean list again certainly, don't wanna lose the winning streak

Go overseas, make some memories....
and definitely become more attractive!
hmm..greedy am I?