~Little Voices~

Monday, July 30, 2012


動畫《ローゼンメイデン(薔薇少女/Rozen Maiden)》中的一個角色。
名称:水銀燈(すいぎんとう),Mercury Lampe。

*作画速度比以往慢了很多。本来想要学用paint tool SAI,可是最近我的老鼠越来越不听使唤了。这是我首次在画中加入颜色,之前都只是单纯的黑铅笔shading。 原画带着捉摸不透的神情,却给我画成了轻蔑一笑。

Friday, July 20, 2012


一滴滴   一滴滴

望着窗外   悠悠转转

Sunday, July 1, 2012


        虽然这个名词本就和芸芸众生脱不了干系,可对我而言,压力简直像个黑洞,把我整个卷入,然后无从求助,连一丝微弱的曙光都没有。 偏偏我又是个完美主义者,当其他人认为合格就好的时候,我还要得到笃定的认同。
        不说之前的事了,就拿最近的例子吧!刚过去的六月使我入读药剂系第三年第二个学期的大考。还是study week 的时候,我的症状,毫无预警地就开始了。渐渐地,我每天早上一醒来就会呕吐,食不下咽,晚上还会发噩梦。甚至到第一张试卷的早上我居然吐胆汁。这期间,唯一的大幸恐怕只能说这次不必上次严重吧!等到考完第二天,我又莫名其妙地好了。

Monday, March 26, 2012

Bella Noche

A beautiful night at Equatorial hotel with a shade of blue

a beautiful hall but the same day there is another function in the next hall, then a lot of businessmen came to the wrong room

My ex-roommate and I
Love this particular photo
My family in pharmacy school

Sunday, March 11, 2012

I wonder

New drawing after such a long long time.
my skills need more honing.

Friday, February 10, 2012

New Sem, New Attitude

It is around a month ago that I struggled in the final exam...
After the exam, I start to think about a lot of things:
I have always been too much of a careful planner, I planned too much, wishing to finish everything well before its time. It could have been very good as works can be finished earlier with more time for other activities. However, not all are suitable with my methods, sometimes I become so pushy because I can not stand having things not going according to plan. This hurts a lot of people that I am working with which are actually very capable in their own manner, just they did not fit the pace of mine. Somehow, I feel that I should be more lenient, let things flow as there are, doing last-minute work is also OK. Perhaps everyone will be less strained including myself.

I also have been too frank and harsh with people. Even when the person did make mistakes, I shouldn't have critic the person with no point of turning around. Sometimes, it is just unfair to compare people amongst each other, even though they share similar criteria but nobody's perfect. We may all start at the same point but we do not reach the finishing line at the same time.

At the night after finishing exam and time to go home, I was feeling emotional all of the sudden. Since most coursemates already went home, I went out to have dinner myself. While dining alone, the loneliness struck me down, thinking that after all the hustle and bustle, what else is left? Where are those old days? Where are the people I used to share my life with? Then I remembered Yen Kee, a friend who is now living in the heavens.The last time when I met her face-to-face is when we are getting the RM200 at KOMTAR after SPM. She was still healthy, cheerful and a sweet girl as always but then I never see her again. What about the others? What if I never see them again too?  Therefore as soon as I get back, I tried to make gatherings...as many as possible.

I guess, sometimes we all need a moment, a moment to think about all the things in our lives....