~Little Voices~

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Moving On~ Move Along

So FINALLY , after 4 years of study, I graduated (though this was a few months ago, should have write this blog earlier). Somehow, the excitement is only short-lived, ignited temporarily by the convocation ceremony -series of events. After that, the feelings are again, drowned by the too-long around 5 months break. I now become an idle and lazy person completely. Not that I haven't done anything at all, I did practice my driving skills (sorry my poor car for the new scratches), I did most, if not entirely all of the household chores, fetching my mum for lunch, shopping, traveling, revising pharmacy notes, remaking my travel log, reading and so on.

Why didn't I get myself a part-time job? I thought about it but I seriously don't know when I will get my posting and I have a responsibility to take care of my mum. Perhaps, the truth is, I'm still having social phobia even though that has improved a lot over my university years. Anyhow, now I'm seriously trying to make ends meet, barely living over my angpow money and occasional pocket money from my dad since my previous major income (jpa) has stopped sponsoring me. Good thing that I am a thrifty person and saved a lot of money back then. Otherwise, I would have been completely broke.

I really love to travel if possible. Over the holidays, I went to cameron highlands with my family, went to bangkok with my friends and a few hang-outs with old buddies. However, now that with a restrained budget, I have nowhere to go T.T. Meeting up with my old friends is also very difficult for me, mainly due to transport as my driving skills still needs further honing and I am quite an introvert person, it is not like I don't want to get close to people but I just don't know how to talk with people. Hopefully, I would not bring this to my work life and have a refreshing start.

Speaking of work, my coursemates and I wait and waited for so long ~ since July till now. Only just recently, we start receiving letters from SPA and LFM. Some of the unis will in fact, start their prp training tomorrow! It is confirmed that USM students will start our posting in December along with UM, so it is only 1 month left now. Couldn't say I'm excited to start working, fear will be more appropriate to describe my feelings since I have been detached from the drug world for so long and facing the unknown. Nevertheless, I try my best to study back as much as possible and read up new articles from Pharmacy Today. Most importantly, I will overcome my communication problem and practice critical thinking. For now, I can only pray that I can get my posting in my desired states ^^

1 comment:

  1. Totally the same situation as yours! haha~ Jobless. Idle. doing house chores. Unknown working life. social phobia.
    the only thing is *pray hard* haha ><
