~Little Voices~

Saturday, November 27, 2010

why we dunwan to wear baju kurung


1. it is definitely baju yg mengurungkan, restrict movement
2.It is very long
3.easy to be stepped on
4. mopping the floor for free
5. easily dirtied by puddles of water n so on
6.Increase life-endangering risks while climbing stairs
7.hard to wash n iron
8. It is not pretty at all for the cuttings, the cloth designs still acceptable
9. it does not keep warm when cold
10. it is damn hot when out in normal temperature
11.the neck portion keeps on choking me
12. watch out for the sleeves when eating
13. of course, damn expensive
p/s: ur complaints of baju kurung r mostly welcomed


  1. 不用了,上次穿是1st year 2nd sem 的时候有一个hubungan etnik 科目的presentation。 这是以前写的,觉得很有意思,不舍得丢。

  2. 如果你亲身体验会更有共鸣
